How To Get Rid Of Bee Hives
Getting rid of a bee hive can be a challenging task, and it is important to approach it with caution to avoid getting stung. Here are a few steps you can follow to remove a bee hive:
- Identify the type of bee you are dealing with. Different types of bees require different removal methods.
- Locate the hive and determine the best way to access it. If the hive is in a difficult-to-reach location, you may need to call a professional beekeeper or exterminator to remove it.
- Wear protective clothing, including a hat, veil, gloves, and long sleeves and pants to protect yourself from getting stung.
- Consider using a bee smoker to calm the bees. A bee smoker is a device that releases smoke, which causes the bees to become less active and less likely to sting.
- Use a hive tool to gently pry the hive from its location and remove it. Be sure to remove the entire hive, including any honeycomb and beeswax.
- Dispose of the hive properly, as leaving it in the open may attract more bees.

Bee Hive Relocation
It is important to note that it is generally better to relocate a hive rather than destroy it, as bees play an important role in the environment and are facing declines in many areas. If you are unable to remove the hive yourself, you may want to consider contacting a local beekeeping organization or a professional beekeeper for assistance.
Are bees and wasps the same?
Bees and wasps are not the same. They are both insects that belong to the order Hymenoptera, which also includes ants and sawflies, but they are different types of insects.
Bees are a type of flying insect known for their role in pollinating flowers and producing honey. There are over 20,000 known species of bees, which are found all over the world. Bees are typically smaller than wasps and have thick, hairy bodies that are adapted for collecting pollen. They are also generally less aggressive than wasps and will only sting when they feel threatened.
Wasps, on the other hand, are a type of flying insect that are often smaller and slimmer than bees. There are over 100,000 known species of wasps, which are found on every continent except Antarctica. Wasps are known for their ability to sting, which they use for defense and to capture prey. Some wasps, such as hornets and yellowjackets, are more aggressive than others and are more likely to sting humans.
Overall, the main differences between bees and wasps are their size, body shape, and behavior. Bees are generally larger and more docile, while wasps are smaller and more aggressive.
How big can bee hives get?
The size of a bee hive can vary depending on the type of bees and the availability of resources. Some hives may be small, with just a few hundred bees, while others can be much larger, with tens of thousands of bees.
Honey bees, which are the most common type of bees kept by beekeepers, typically build hives that consist of a series of wax comb cells arranged in a series of hexagonal shapes. The cells are used for storing pollen, nectar, and honey, as well as for housing the eggs, larvae, and pupae of the bees.
A typical honey bee hive will contain one queen bee, who is responsible for laying eggs, and a number of worker bees, who are responsible for foraging for food, building and maintaining the hive, and taking care of the young bees. The size of the hive will depend on the availability of resources and the number of worker bees present.
In general, honey bee hives can range in size from small hives with just a few thousand bees, to large hives with tens of thousands of bees. The size of the hive will also depend on the location and the time of year. Hives tend to be larger during the spring and summer months, when there is an abundance of flowers and nectar available, and smaller in the fall and winter, when food is scarce.
Pest Control Companies Remove Bee Hives
In conclusion, getting rid of a bee hive can be a challenging and potentially dangerous task. If you have a bee hive on your property and are unable to remove it yourself, it is generally a good idea to call a local pest control company to handle the removal. Pest control companies have the necessary equipment and expertise to safely remove bee hives and can help to prevent the bees from returning.
When calling a pest control company, be sure to provide them with as much information as possible about the location of the hive and the type of bees you are dealing with. This will help them to determine the best course of action for removing the hive and ensuring the safety of everyone involved.